Master's degree in Criminal Justice System


Student Profile

RESOLUTION of 7 October 2024, which makes public the list of admitted and excluded people of the 3rd pre-enrolment period of the Interuniversity Master in Criminal Justice System

RESOLUTION by which the list of people admitted and excluded from the 2nd pre-registration period of the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Criminal Justice System is made public

People interested in this degree can come from a wide range of specialties:

  • Degree qualificationin law orcriminology.Degree in LaworCriminologyor diplomain Criminology.
  • Degreein other gradesmembers ofthe branch ofsocial scienceslike psychology, sociologyor political science-related, althoughtangentially, with the studyof thecriminaljustice system
  • Professional activitiesrelated to thecriminaljustice system, withinthe legal professionorprisonstaff, judicial, police orequipment orfacilitiesorunderimplementation.
  • Previous academiccurriculum.

In order to ensure a basic level of knowledge in core subjects members of the module I, for those graduates who are not in Law or Criminology may make an entrance. This is to ensure the existence of a minimum level in basic subjects of the master in whose study will abound, either because that level has been shown to be achieved through the access-level degrees in Law and Criminology, as is demonstrated by passing a test level when those minimum skills are not essential content of other possible degrees of source-psychology, sociology or political science, among others.

Admission requirements - Access routes

Before initiating the pre-enrollment, verify that you meet the admission requirements in the master in which you have interest and consult the documents necessary for pre-registration.


In accordance with the provisions of the academic regulations of University Studies of Oficial grades at UdL and Masters, the access routes are:


Access to official university master’s degrees is in accordance with Royal Decree 822/2021, of 28 September

Roads Observations

1) Spanish bachelor/master's degree or equivalent


2) EHEA bachelor/master’s degree provided that in the country issuing the degree it entitles access to master’s degree studies.

  • The master’s degree coordinator and the Master’s Degree Study Committee must verify that the degree or equivalent gives access to the master’s 
3) Officially recognized degree
  • Processing falls with the Ministry.

4) Non-recognized bachelor’s degree from outside the EHEA of equivalent training to a Spanish bachelor’s degree provided that in the country issuing the degree it entitles access to postgraduate-level studies.
  • The person concerned must submit a document issued by the university where they obtained the degree for access or by the competent authority of that country certifying that the degree, in the country issuing the degree, entitles access to university postgraduate-level studies.

  • Processing falls with the University of Lleida. The master’s degree coordinator and the master’s degree Studies Committee must check these requirements before making the proposal for the admission of students holding a non-recognized degree.

  • Access via this route does not, under any circumstances, imply the recognition of the previous degree held by the person concerned, nor its recognition for other purposes than taking the master’s degree, since, when appropriate, to exercise the profession, recognition of the bachelor’s degree giving access to the master’s degree may be required.
5) Unfinished Spanish bachelor’s degree studies
  • at most TFG (bachelor’s degree final project) and 9 ECTS credits.

  • Exceptionally, access to the master’s degree may be accepted, with conditional enrolment, for students with credits of a Spanish degree still outstanding (maximun TFG and of 9 ECTS credits.  This will only be possible if, at the end of the second or subsequent pre-registration periods, if applicable, there are vacancies once all the students with the completed degree have been enrolled..

Candidate selection criteria

To access the master must have completed university studies that enable to enroll in the Masters, that is, law, criminology, psychology or political science, as well as further studies degree in the field of social sciences relevant to the criminal justice system. Are needed the least basic knowledge of the part of subjects.

Priority will be given requests that came from law students or criminology. If there are more applications than places, it will be taken into account the average of the student record consists of the official academic degree that gives access to master studies.

More information

More information

Pre-registration and enrollment calendar


- Pre-registration: from March 3 to June 30, 2025

- Resolution: July 16, 2025

- Registration: July 23 and 24, 2025

- Enrollment of the double specialty they want to do in an academic year: Octuber 14, 2025.

- Modifications of the enrollment: October 15 and 16, 2025


SECOND TERM (in the event that there are vacancies left)

- Pre-registration:

Masters that don't cover up in the pre-registration of the first term: from July 1 to September 11, 2025

Masters with vacancies left after the registration of the first term: from July 29 to September 11, 2025

- Resolution: September 19, 2025

- Registration: September 24 and 25, 2025

- Enrollment of the double specialty they want to do in an academic year: October 14, 2025

- Modifications of the enrollment: October 15 and 16, 2025

In the event that vacancies remain, an extraordinary pre-registration period may be opened.

You can search the master's degrees with open pre-registration HERE.

The pre-registration must be done through Internet:

Enrollment and modification of enrollment can be done through the self-enrollment system or in person at the center's secretariat by requesting an appointment. Internet access will be open during the dates indicated: